
I'm liking the SpinzTV build, but having an issue with the watched status indicators. I can't seem to find this option anywhere under settings, unless I am just missing it for some reason. Can someone point me to where it is? Nous allons donc dans ce tuto installer la dernière version actuelle de Spine, la version 0.8.8a depuis ces sources. Installation de Spine 0.8.8a. Tout d’abord nous allons installer les dépendances de spine et le package build-essential pour le compiler. apt-get install build-essential libmysqlclient-dev libsnmp-dev SpinzFlix is a brand new Addon from SpinzTV repo that offers you to watch Movies, TV Shows and Kids content on Kodi in great picture quality. This is a one click Addon with an option of choosing SD and HD quality for playing any Movie or TV Show. You can follow SpinzTV on Twitter and Facebook for more updates and support. Spine est un logiciel d'animation 2D conçu spécifiquement pour les logiciels et le développement de jeux vidéos. Animateurs, artistes et programmeurs s'unissent pour donner vie à vos jeux. Spindev propose une solution pour automatiser les Tests de votre Plateforme d’Intégration, par simulation des flux de production. Les régressions sont détectées avant de déployer en production. Spinz TV Kodi build is in the list of most maintained and stable wizards that can be used on all streaming devices you own. At bestkodiaddon.info, we recommend you to run this build for a clean install to present it with a full strength on your Kodi. SpinzTv Builds is now installed. The add-on can be found from the home screen menu PROGRAMS > Add-Ons > SpinzTv from your home screen. This post/page may contain affiliate links and we may earn a commission ( At No Cost To You ) when you click and make a purchase using the affiliate links, This will help with costs and maybe buy some beers.

Step 7: Click on the Package Installer icon (Box icon) present at the top of the left corner. Step 8: Select Install from zip file. Step 9: Here you need to select the source which you have already entered in step 5. Now I select the source as “Supreme”. Step 10: Now select the repository file: repository.supremebuilds-1.0.2.zip. Step 11: It might take some minutes, Wait till add-on

Étapes pour installer SpinzTV Pro sur Kodi . Remarque: Avant d'aller de l'avant, nous devons activer les sources inconnues sur votre Kodi. Pour ce faire, cliquez sur l'icône Systèmes et cliquez sur Paramètres système. Maintenant, sous Addons, activez simplement les sources inconnues. Étape 1.

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13 Dec 2018 Navigate to Spinz TV in the list; The zip file that you will find there is repository. SpinzTV-x.x.x.zip; Begin installation by selecting install; Wait for the